“I see a baby” says the Prophet

As mentioned in my previous post – this is the prophetic word we received at the Elders and Leadership retreat in February. My plan is to have the framed and put up in our spare room which will eventually become our nursery… I also want to share it with our closest family and ask them to pray in agreement with us.

At this elders and leadership retreat during one of the breaks, Pastor Carel popped passed me – not knowing who I was or what my story is – looked me in the eye and said, “You will laugh again. You will be happy again and the joy you experience will come from God. God wants to restore something that the enemy has stolen from you.”
These words of course left me and a friend whom I’ve become very close with in tears.

A little later in the day, Pastor Carel shared a couple more prophetic words and during this started saying the same thing which he said to me outside to this very close friend of mine (who people often mistake us for each other in looks or even as the same person) and I thought – oh no! Now he’s got us confused – so is this word for me?
He further prophesied over her and her hubby which was so fitting for this exact moment in their lives.

Now the thing with the prophetic – if you know or not is that you should always be expecting to hear from God, but because I had gone expecting at previous prophetic meetings and not received a word I didn’t want to get my hopes up for this one.

All the while Pastor was prophesying I was praying in tongues that God would give my hubby a word – a word for his business / career (an area he’s been struggling with)… And then it happened! Not a word for hubby but a word for us.

Pastor Carel suddenly said, “my last sentence is this. Who wants to be pregnant? (brief pause) because I see a baby” I immediately stated crying – wait, not crying… sobbing. And so was everyone else. There was an excitement of clapping and praise in the room. Every single elder and leader have stood by us through this journey and this was the prayer prayed and declared over us.

“My father we come before you today and Lord we rejoice in your Sprit for your grace, mercy, love and kindness upon Nicole and upon Franco.
Father thank you that we can petition and ask without doubt Lord that this womb would be barren no more. That this womb would conceive and bear a child to the glory of God.
Father we pray with this couple that their little one would come forth and serve God from a young age and that their little one will be filled with the Spirit of God even before he or she can talk. Will be filled with the Spirit of God and will make a mighty impact in the next generation.
We come against you Satan, we bind your works and strike down any unwholesome word spoken over Nicole and Franco. We strike down every medical word spoken that is unwholesome and not true. Father we strike down unwholesome words, words with a lack of faith – we strike it down in the name of Jesus and we pray Father that we will see the power of Him that is Christ Jesus our Lord as Nicole conceives and bears a little one that will give glory to the Kingdom of God and will advance Your Kingdom for the next generations again and again and again. We pray Father, release faith over them that their joy may be full in the mighty name of Jesus.”

What an incredible prayer. How amazing is it that one word from God at the right time can change so much. We are at such peace in our relationship – in our walk with God and in this journey to becoming parents.

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